If at any time you want to uninstall all mods in the data.arc, press the option to restore backups or uninstall individual mods with the Y button. Any time a mod is installed, the corresponding vanilla files will be populated as backups.
Use the Mod Installer to install mods. Completely optional, as mods can be transferred in any other way as well. Open this server, use its IP address in conjunction with a FTP client like WinSCP. Use the FTP server to transfer over mods to your Switch over your Wi-Fi connection. If you want to use this functionality, please start the HBL by overriding Smash itself, which is done, by default, by starting Smash while holding the R button. Use the DataArcDumper to dump your data.arc first if you have not. An example of a correct uncompressed mod would be UltimateModManager/mods/organized_css/ui/param/database/ui_chara_db.prc, and it would show up in the application as organized_css. All uncompressed mod files must be in the ARC folder layout and have the correct original naming. Compressed mod files may start with their offset in hexadecimal, such as 0x35AA26F08_model.numatb or be named by their path within that ARC. Folders at the top-level here will be the selectable modpacks. Put mods in sdmc:/UltimateModManager/mods in any folder structure. View the README for more info about this program.
General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience. Various optimizations that speed up the installer.
Extra fast scrolling by holding in the right stick.Could theoretically allow previously incompressible files to fit.Hashing is still available by holding R and pressing X.An equally effective and much quicker way to confirm that the game dump works is to just launch the game.
Hashing takes quite a while, especially with large files and on the switch's hardware.Add the ability to launch smash from the dumper, in place of hashing.Please place any additional files or images you wish to include in your mod directory in a folder starting with a '.' or start their filenames' with a '.'.Folders and files starting with a '.' are now ignored by the installer.Fixed a rare crash when creating backups.Unfortunately these caused memory corruption when used.YouTube guides often contain inaccurate or outdated information.